Vážná nehoda ve Formuli 2 - Hubert zraněním podlehl

Král, Josef
Král, Josef, foto: www.josefkral.cz
Pavel Mandát , Jiří Izer 31. srpna 2019 19:00 31. srpna 2019 22:03

Vážná nehoda ve Formuli 2 dnes tragicky poznamenala průběh belgického víkendu.

V dnešním závodě F2 došlo k vážné nehodě. Na výjezdu z Eau Rouge došlo k havárii několika vozů. Francouzský pilot Anthonie Hubert svým zraněním bohužel přes veškerou snahu záchranářů podlehl. Juan Manuel Corea byl převezen do nemocnice. Marino Sato vyvázl bez zranění.

"Renault Sport Racing je zdrcen ztrátou jednoho z jeho nejzářivějších mladých talentů, Anthoine Huberta, jenž nás dnes odpoledne po nehodě několika vozů na okruhu ve Spa-Francorchamps opustil. Dvaadvacetiletý mladý Francouz závodil za tým BWT Arden v šampionátu FIA Formule 2."

Cyril Abiteboul, výkonný ředitel Renault Sport Racing"Naše myšlenky jsou v tuto tragickou chvíli s přáteli a rodinou Anthoinea. Anthoine byl bystrý mladý muž. Jeho vystupování a počínání na trati i mimo ní bylo znakem skutečného gentlemana a bylo radostí i ctí ho mít v naší Akademii. Bude našim týmům v Enstone a ve Viry hodně chybět. Jeho duch zůstane s týmem a budeme závodit na jeho památku."

Otmar Szafnauer, šéf týmu Racing Point "Ve chvílích, jako je tato je téměř nemožné najít ta správná slova, ale my všichni jsme otřeseni tragickou událostí z dnešního závodu Formule 2. Anthoine byl báječným člověkem a ohromným závodnickým talentem, jenž ve sportu již zažil velké úspěchy. Naší upřímnou soustrast jeho rodině, přátelům a fanouškům."

Anthoine was a fantastic driver who had a bright future ahead of him.He was kind to everyone, always smiling, and his positive attitude was infectious.Full statement from F1, F2 and F3: https://t.co/e7tz7Qv8OcOut of respect, Sunday's F2 Sprint Race has been cancelled. pic.twitter.com/mvQzUxuGWi

— Formula 2 (@FIA_F2) August 31, 2019

I can not believe it. RIP my friend ❤ pic.twitter.com/vuiWBSMuPV

— George Russell (@GeorgeRussell63) August 31, 2019

Can’t believe it, we had the same age, we started racing together and battled on track for years.All my thoughts goes to his family. Repose en paix Anthoine pic.twitter.com/ud5U7k4UAQ

— Esteban Ocon (@OconEsteban) August 31, 2019

Very sad news today here in Spa. Tragic day. My deepest condolences to the family and friends of Anthoine. https://t.co/hE9fvt6HHU

— Valtteri Bottas (@ValtteriBottas) August 31, 2019

Devastating news. God bless your soul Anthoine. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family today 🙏🏾😔

— Lewis Hamilton (@LewisHamilton) August 31, 2019

A tragic loss. The thoughts of all of us go to the family of Anthoine Hubert at this time of great shock and sadness. pic.twitter.com/NGVLdsDDbh

— Aston Martin Red Bull Racing (@redbullracing) August 31, 2019

Statement, Franz Tost: “Sadly today, motorsport has experienced a tragic loss with the passing of Formula 2 Driver Anthoine Hubert. This is a terribly sad moment for the entire motorsport community. (1/2) pic.twitter.com/TKxE0Bb3F3

— Toro Rosso (@ToroRosso) August 31, 2019

Absolutely shocked by the tragic accident of Anthoine Hubert. Terrible. My thoughts are with him and his family, friends, team and loved ones. #F2 pic.twitter.com/NzLTSfqmqT

— Max Verstappen (@Max33Verstappen) August 31, 2019

Renault Sport Racing is devastated at the loss of one of its brightest young talents, Anthoine Hubert, who passed away today following an accident involving several cars at Circuit Spa-Francorchamps. The 22-year-old Frenchman was racing for BWT-Arden in the FIA F2 Championship. pic.twitter.com/xB42xwBlY8

— Renault F1 Team (@RenaultF1Team) August 31, 2019

Statement from the Scuderia Ferrarihttps://t.co/ofS0Gd8eA6

— Scuderia Ferrari (@ScuderiaFerrari) August 31, 2019

From everyone at ROKiT Williams Racing, our thoughts and prayers go out to the colleagues, friends and family of Anthoine Hubert following the tragic news in Spa today.

— ROKiT WILLIAMS RACING (@WilliamsRacing) August 31, 2019

It is with deep sadness that McLaren Racing learns of the passing of Anthoine Hubert in today’s Formula 2 race. The team sends its heartfelt condolences to Anthoine’s family and loved ones, his colleagues at the Arden team, and the entire F2 community. pic.twitter.com/pfhRS7fBbO

— McLaren (@McLarenF1) August 31, 2019

All of us at Pirelli feel so incredibly sad to hear the tragic news about Anthoine Hubert, which has just been made official. Our thoughts and condolences are with his family, team, and many friends. @FIA_F2 #F2 #Hubert

— Pirelli Motorsport (@pirellisport) August 31, 2019

Haas F1 Team sends its deepest condolences to Anthoine Hubert’s family following this evening’s tragic news. Our thoughts go out to them as well as Arden, Renault and the FIA F2 community at this time.

— Haas F1 Team (@HaasF1Team) August 31, 2019

Very sad news regarding Anthoine Hubert. Our thoughts are with his family.

— Alfa Romeo Racing (@alfaromeoracing) August 31, 2019

The entire Mercedes family sends its deepest condolences to the family and friends of Anthoine Hubert, and his Arden and Renault teams on this tragic day.

— Mercedes-AMG F1 (@MercedesAMGF1) August 31, 2019
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